Wow! The month of March was extraordinary, and oh how life has changed for all of us. If you told me that I would become an expert on making a medical mask a month ago, I would have chuckled and said absolutely no way. But, here we are in an extraordinary time learning new things about ourselves, our culture, and in what seems as if a new era.
Myself and my mom Mary, master pattern-maker and sewer extraordinaire, have been tirelessly working on creating home-made mask prototypes in our Isabella Collection by Kathy Fielder manufacturing facility located in Dallas, TX, USA. In the video below, I share detailed information on how to make your very own mask, being careful to realize that fit matters. Please click below to see how to make masks with items you may already have laying around your home. It is important to be aware of how much our medical professionals and front line defenders need FDA certified masks at this time.
I hope you, your family and your friends are all safe and healthy. Love and hugs from my family to yours. Hang in there…
The How-To
Check out KF’s step-by-step instructions on how to create a mask.

Here you can see a each step laid out within the video, one by one. Once completed you will have a well fitted, washable mask that you can utilize during this extraordinary time to protect yourself while you are out and exposed.

KF Tip ~ No Elastic? No Problem! Grab an elastic headband to use as the straps of your mask. The flatter the elastic the better. Pony tail holders tend to be harder to sew in the seam and stay in place.