Fab Rugs & How To Style Them

One of the quickest ways to accesorize and rework a rom is updating with a new and stylish rug.  KF recommends a rug to immediately pulls any room together and express your personal style. It works to bring style to your space as well as warmth, making your room cozy and chic! Without a doubt, one of our favorite places to source great rugs with so many options is Wayfair. They have the most stylish rugs that fit any decor and  are also affordable. With an incredible amount of color, pattern, and size options – it’s so easy to find the perfect rug to update any space in your home, and we had KF pick some of her favorites.

Hillsby Saffron Area Rug

This colorful rug takes a classic oriental style pattern and makes it modern and cool with bright, statement colors. This piece truly speaks for itself.

KF Tip ~ Pick a color or two from the rug that speaks to your design aesthetic and use them dispersed in different places throughout your room through accessories, art, and lamps to tie everything together for that perfectly cultivated space you will love.

Beaulah Shag Cream Area Rug

The beaulah shag rug is a great neutral addition to any room, but still packs loads of POP!. It pairs nicely with textural neutrals and gives the room a bohemian chic vibe. Although it has a cream base,  it can easily pair with white furniture and black accents throughout. Natural wood colors and finishes bring it all together while still making the room appear cozy and stylish.

KF Tip ~ This color scheme makes it super easy to add a splash of color through pillows and accents.  Easy and affordable!

Angeline Blue Rug

This fab rug is trendy, chic, cool. A really diverse piece, It works well in a colorful, eclectic style living room or it also pairs nicely in a serene, subtly hued bedroom. The shades of blue pair great with all metal finishes, making it extremely versatile. It also works as a great base to pair pops of color such as pink, green, or yellow!

Marcelo Woven Gray Rug

A gray rug is a simple piece that is so easy to pair with existing furniture in your home or office.  This rug is nice because it has a discrete print woven into it, so it’s definitely not boring, yet still maintains a classic and serene appeal. Pair the gray with gold for a modern and unexpected mixture in your room.

KF Tip ~ Gray is much softer than black and much easier to clean than white. Gray tones and hues are an ideal color for rooms that get a lot of foot traffic.

xo, KF

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