Kathy Fielder is and has always been a trendsetter. Her vision, innovation and dynamic style has helped propel her as an expert in fashion, lifestyle, and design. This “serial entrepreneur” and mother of two has founded numerous brands including her on-air label for QVC – Fielder Home, Isabella Collection, Kathy Fielder Boutique, her blog Kathy Fielder Design | Life | Style, and her vlog The Fielder Report. Through these outlets she inspires, curates, and creates on-trend original content + products for everyone who craves a fabulous lifestyle.
Known for her dynamic personality and visionary mindset, Kathy leads the charge in every facet she occupies. Whether it’s through her retail experience and connections, her award-winning interior design work, her Amazon influencer status, the inspiration on her lifestyle blog, her prolific social media presence, or the dynamic conversations she has with extraordinary people on The Fielder Report.
Want more KF? OPT-IN to Kathy’s Blog to stay in the know on all things lifestyle, fashion, design and more. An on-trend and brilliant commentary on all things fashion, lifestyle, and home, Kathy gives a personal and edited commentary on all things you need to make your life more fulfilled and engaging.